Anthrax - Got the Time


One tiny regret in my life is that I did not swim with the dolphins with Scott Ian, the heavily bearded iconic guitarist / de facto frontman for Anthrax, in Hawaii thirteen years ago. By some quirk of fate, we were staying at the same hotel and my wife, who charms everyone she meets, happened to strike up a conversation with Ian’s wife/partner. (My wife could do this easily because she had no idea who Anthrax was, and it’s easy to bond with another family on vacation when you both have babies in tow.) After some chatting, I wound up with Scott Ian’s phone number and when we were out touristing, Scott texted that they were swimming with dolphins in Kahala and would we like to meet them. We already had plans with a friend, so I declined, which was dumb. I could see my friend anytime, he would have rescheduled, and duh, dolphins, bro.

Part of me was nervous to swim with dolphins with Scott Ian because unlike my wife, I knew Anthrax. And I also knew that I wasn’t a huge fan of Anthrax, and that my favorite song by them was actually one they didn’t write. “Got the Time” is by Joe Jackson (whose “Steppin’ Out” we covered yesterday). I don’t know what I was thinking. Was I nervous that Scott Ian would ask me what my favorite Anthrax song was? Or maybe I was scared of dolphins.

Whatever the reason, it didn’t and doesn’t matter because this song kicks ass. The rapid-fire bass line, the soaring anthemic refrain. It’s aggression without being aggressive, if you get my drift. I was never a mosh pit kinda kid, but “Got the Time” is one song that would get me into one (upon which, I would subsequently be trampled). If you’ve got the time, play “Got the Time.” And if Scott Ian ever asks you to swim with dolphins, do it.

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