Trashcan Sinatras - Obscurity Knocks


Normally I spend three paragraphs extolling the virtues of various pop songs. But today, I don’t want you to read my words because I’d rather you to bask in the wonderous wordplay of Trashcan Sinatras’ 1990 college rock fave “Obscurity Knocks.” I realize I’m kinda pushing the definition of the whole “3 paragraphs, 6 sentences each” here, but technically, I’m swapping twelve of my sentences for twelve of the bands’ lines. Plus, I’ll be damned if I could write anything better or more convincing for you to actually click play than these lyrics. They are perfect. I love their poetry and their poems.

Always at the foot of the photograph
That's me there, snug as a thug
In a mugshot pose, a foul-mouthed rogue
Owner of this corner and not much more

Still these days I'm better placed
To get my just rewards
I'll pound out a tune and very soon
I'll have too much to say and a dead stupid name

And though I ought to be learning I feel like a veteran
Of "oh, I like your poetry but I hate your poems"
Calendars crumble, I'm knee deep in numbers
I've turned 21, I've twist, I'm bust and wrong again